Your Emotional Bucket: Understanding and Managing Your Mental Wellbeing
We've all felt it – that feeling of being overwhelmed, like our emotions are about to spill over. Imagine your emotions as water filling up a bucket. Every day, we experience a range of emotions: joy, frustration, sadness, and stress. These experiences, along with the demands of work, relationships, and daily life, all contribute to […]
Embracing Autumn: A Time for Change and Self-Care
Autumn, with its crisp air and vibrant colours, is often seen as a time of transition and renewal. As the days get shorter and the nights draw in, it's the perfect opportunity to embrace change and prioritise self-care. For many, autumn marks a new beginning, whether it's starting a new school, college, or university, or […]
Supporting Young People in a Stressful World: Tips for Managing Anxiety
The world can feel like a scary place right now. With the steady stream of updates about national and global events, alongside the often curated highlights shared on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, it’s not surprising that young people might be feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Here are a few suggestions on how we […]
Navigating the Big Changes: Managing Anxiety from Junior School to University
The transition from junior school to secondary school, secondary school to college, or college to university is a significant milestone for young people. While these periods are often filled with excitement and anticipation, they can also be accompanied by feelings of anxiety. It is important to recognise that experiencing anxiety during these transitions is entirely […]
Exploring Exam Stress and Coping Strategies – for Parents & Carers
  Exploring Exam Stress and Coping Strategies Exams can be a challenging time for young individuals, as they often feel a lot of pressure to do well, which can lead to stress and anxiety. As parents and carers, there are various ways we can support our child during this important period. This article aims to […]
The Importance of Good Mental Wellbeing for Women of all Ages and a Note on Self Care
Celebrating International Women's Day ...... During this week we have celebrated International Women’s Day and on Sunday, in the UK, we celebrate Mother’s Day, it has been a week of reflecting on the profound impact women have on our lives, including mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunties, teachers, doctors, nurses and carers, and so much more. Each […]
A Guide to Starting Counselling: Understanding the Therapeutic Relationship
  Starting counselling can be a significant step towards improving your mental well-being, but it's understandable to feel apprehensive about what to expect. In this blog, we will discuss what to anticipate when starting counselling and the crucial role of the therapeutic relationship, from both the client's and counsellor's perspective.   Embarking on your counselling […]

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